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Concept statement

The main concerns for the families who are victims of life choice miscalculation are education for kids and quality family time. By providing private and secure spaces within a shared and public environment, children will be able to concentrate on their homework and other development exercises in their private secure spaces, yet with a chance to develop as a person and communicate with other children in the shared and public environment. Meanwhile, their parents can concentrate on pulling their life back together by using the services within a program and not having to worry about the safety and well-being of their children. Tackling the issue from the inside and concentrating on building a solid foundation for the future of the families this program will ensure that residents who enter the program will do so once and will never end up in a situation like this again. With assistance in gaining financial stability knowledge, abilities to self-assess the family's mental state and well-being of each member of the family, and gaining knowledge of job searching and application techniques the graduating families will be able to carry out the program on their own and keep their life on track. Family complex village “Neuron”. The Neuron is because family is what sparks the neurons in our brains constantly and the project provides neurons that will lead the families to success. It will not only provide private and secure spaces, public and shared community environments, therapy services, financial advisory services, medical services, and required life resources like kitchens, dining halls, gardens, and exercise spaces but will also provide the knowledge and experience to tackle life problems head-on.

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